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Effect of processing infant milk formula on protein digestion and gut barrier health (in vitro and preclinical)The infant gut is immature and permeable with high gastric pH, low protease activities and underdeveloped intestinal architecture. Protein digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract of infants is slow and incomplete. During manufacture, infant milk formula (IMF) is typically heat-treated so it is safe for human consumption. This heat treatment causes denaturation and aggregation of milk proteins, and formation of undesirable Maillard reaction products. The aim of this review is to critically summarize the in vitro and preclinical data available on the effect of IMF thermal processing on protein digestion and gut barrier physiology in the immature infant gut. Recent research efforts have focused on reducing thermal loads during IMF manufacturing by sourcing ingredients with low thermal loads, by reducing temperatures during IMF processing itself and by seeking alternative processing technologies. This review also aims to evaluate if these thermal reductions have a knock-on effect on protein digestion and gut barrier health in the infant. The ultimate aim is to create a safe next generation IMF product that more closely mimics human breast milk in its protein digestion kinetics and its ability to promote gut barrier maturity in the infant.
Infant milk formula, produced by membrane filtration, promotes mucus production in the upper small intestine of young pigsHuman breast milk promotes maturation of the infant gastrointestinal barrier, including the promotion of mucus production. In the quest to produce next generation infant milk formula (IMF), we have produced IMF by membrane filtration (MEM-IMF). With a higher quantity of native whey protein, MEM-IMF more closely mimics human breast milk than IMF produced using conventional heat treatment (HT-IMF). After a 4-week dietary intervention in young pigs, animals fed a MEM-IMF diet had a higher number of goblet cells, acidic mucus and mucin-2 in the jejunum compared to pigs fed HT-IMF (P < 0.05). In the duodenum, MEM-IMF fed pigs had increased trypsin activity in the gut lumen, increased mRNA transcript levels of claudin 1 in the mucosal scrapings and increased lactase activity in brush border membrane vesicles than those pigs fed HT-IMF (P < 0.05). In conclusion, MEM-IMF is superior to HT-IMF in the promotion of mucus production in the young gut.
Preconditions for Including the Effects of Urease and Nitrification Inhibitors in Emission InventoriesUrease and nitrification inhibitors can reduce ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizers and manure but their effectiveness depends on the conditions under which they are used. Consequently, it is essential for the credibility of emission reductions reported in regulatory emission inventories that their effectiveness is assessed under real-world conditions and not just in the laboratory. Here, we specify the criteria we consider necessary before the effects of inhibitors are included in regulatory emission inventories.
Observational study: effect of varying transport durations and feed withdrawal on the physiological status and health of dairy calvesAbstract Long-distance transport and associated fasting of unweaned calves have the potential to compromise the animals’ welfare. This observational study aimed to determine how transport and fasting durations impacted the physiology and health of 115 transported calves in three transport groups; IRE (n = 20, mean age 29.8d; short road transport (~ 29 h incl. resting time) and short feed deprivation (~ 11 h)), INT (n = 65, mean age 24.9d; long road/ferry transport (~ 79 h incl. resting times) and long feed deprivation (~ 28 h and 25 h)), and NLD (n = 30, mean age 17.7d; short road transport (~ 28 h incl. resting time) and long feed deprivation (> 18 h)). All calves travelled through an assembly centre. Each calf was blood sampled (arrival at destination farm, 1-week and 3-weeks post-arrival), health scored (arrival, 1, 3, 7, 8, 20d post-arrival) and weighed (farm/mart of origin [IRE and INT only], arrival, and 3-weeks post-arrival). (Generalised) linear mixed models were used to analyse differences in blood variables, weight, and health scores on arrival and during recovery (all other timepoints). Despite differing transport durations, both INT and NLD calves exhibited glucose, beta-hydroxy-butyrate, non-esterified-fatty-acids and sodium levels outside reference limits upon arrival, which were different from values observed in IRE calves (p < 0.05). Lactate and potassium were above reference range for INT calves on arrival, and higher than in IRE and NLD groups (p < 0.05). One- and three-weeks post arrival, most variables returned to within reference ranges, and differences between groups were minimal and not clearly associated with either transport duration or fasting during transport. Health scores did not differ between transport groups at arrival, and differences were minimal during the three-week recovery period. INT calves lost more weight during the journey than IRE calves (p < 0.01), while INT and NLD calves gained similar weight in the 3-weeks post-arrival, but less than IRE calves (both p < 0.01). Overall, changes in the physiological status of calves post transport appeared to relate more to the duration of feed deprivation than to the duration of transport, except for potassium and lactate (muscle fatigue), which were impacted more for INT calves. Most variables showed clear signs of recovery to within reference levels for all groups within three weeks. Minimizing the duration of feed deprivation during transport should be a key consideration for the dairy industry to reduce the impact of transport on calf welfare.
Relationship between the rumen microbiome and liver transcriptome in beef cattle divergent for feed efficiencyAbstract Background Feed costs account for a high proportion of the variable cost of beef production, ultimately impacting overall profitability. Thus, improving feed efficiency of beef cattle, by way of determining the underlying genomic control and selecting for feed efficient cattle provides a method through which feed input costs may be reduced whilst also contributing to the environmental sustainability of beef production. The rumen microbiome dictates the feed degradation capacity and consequent nutrient supply in ruminants, thus potentially impacted by feed efficiency phenotype. Equally, liver tissue has been shown to be responsive to feed efficiency phenotype as well as dietary intake. However, although both the rumen microbiome and liver transcriptome have been shown to be impacted by host feed efficiency phenotype, knowledge of the interaction between the rumen microbiome and other peripheral tissues within the body, including the liver is lacking. Thus, the objective of this study was to compare two contrasting breed types (Charolais and Holstein-Friesian) divergent for residual feed intake (RFI) over contrasting dietary phases (zero-grazed grass and high-concentrate), based on gene co-expression network analysis of liver transcriptome data and microbe co-abundance network of rumen microbiome data. Traits including RFI, dry matter intake (DMI) and growth rate (ADG), as well as rumen concentrations of volatile fatty acids were also included within the network analysis. Results Overall, DMI had the greatest number of connections followed by RFI, with ADG displaying the fewest number of significant connections. Hepatic genes related to lipid metabolism were correlated to both RFI and DMI phenotypes, whilst genes related to immune response were correlated to DMI. Despite the known relationship between RFI and DMI, the same microbes were not directly connected to these phenotypes, the Succiniclasticum genus was however, negatively connected to both RFI and ADG. Additionally, a stepwise regression analysis revealed significant roles for both Succiniclasticum genus and Roseburia.faecis sp. in predicting RFI, DMI and ADG. Conclusions Results from this study highlight the interactive relationships between rumen microbiome and hepatic transcriptome data of cattle divergent for RFI, whilst also increasing our understanding of the underlying biology of both DMI and ADG in beef cattle.