Prediction of 24-hour milk yield and composition in dairy cows from a single part-day yield and sample
McParland, S., Coughlan, B., Enright, B., O’Keeffe, M., O’Connor, R., Feeney, L. and Berry, D. (2019). Prediction of 24-hour milk yield and composition in dairy cows from a single part-day yield and sample. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, [online] 58(1), pp.66-70. Available at:
The objective was to evaluate the accuracy of predicting 24-hour milk yield and composition from a single morning (AM) or evening (PM) milk weight and composition. A calibration dataset of 37,481 test-day records with both AM and PM yields and composition was used to generate the prediction equations; equations were validated using 4,644 test-day records. Prediction models were developed within stage of lactation and parity while accounting for the inter-milking time interval. The mean correlation between the predicted 24-hour yields and composition of milk, fat and protein and the respective actual values was 0.97 when based on just an AM milk yield and composition with a mean correlation of 0.95 when based on just a PM milk yield and composition. The regression of predicted 24-hour yield and composition on the respective actual values varied from 0.97 to 1.01 with the exception of 24-hour fat percentage predicted from a PM sample (1.06). A single AM sample is useful to predict 24-hour milk yield and composition when the milking interval is known.Funder
Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine; Science Foundation IrelandGrant Number
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