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dc.contributor.authorEhlers, Melf-Hinrich
dc.contributor.authorFinger, Robert
dc.contributor.authorEl Benni, Nadja
dc.contributor.authorGocht, Alexander
dc.contributor.authorSørensen, Claus Aage Grøn
dc.contributor.authorGusset, Markus
dc.contributor.authorPfeifer, Catherine
dc.contributor.authorPoppe, Krijn
dc.contributor.authorRegan, Aine
dc.contributor.authorRose, David Christian
dc.contributor.authorWolfert, Sjaak
dc.contributor.authorHuber, Robert
dc.identifier.citationMelf-Hinrich Ehlers, Robert Finger, Nadja El Benni, Alexander Gocht, Claus Aage Grøn Sørensen, Markus Gusset, Catherine Pfeifer, Krijn Poppe, Áine Regan, David Christian Rose, Sjaak Wolfert, Robert Huber, Scenarios for European agricultural policymaking in the era of digitalisation, Agricultural Systems, Volume 196, 2022, 103318, ISSN 0308-521X,
dc.description.abstractCONTEXTDigitalisation affects the agri-food sector and its governance. However, what digitalisation of the sector will imply for future agricultural policymaking remains unclear. OBJECTIVEThe objective of the study is to develop and evaluate explorative scenarios of digitalisation in the agri-food sector of Europe that are explicitly relevant to agricultural policy. The study aims to provide guidance for strategic development of agricultural policy to address the potentials, uncertainties and unknowns arising with digitalisation of the sector. METHODSWe combine a Delphi study and a participatory scenario workshop to develop and evaluate plausible explorative scenarios of digitalisation of Europe's agri-food sector. For all scenarios we identify gaps in achieving a range of important European agricultural policy goals, drawing on the Delphi study and desk-based analysis. Subsequently we deduce strategies to address these agricultural policy gaps. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONSFour scenarios of digitalisation of the agri-food sector were developed for Europe in 2030. They comprise of 1) digitalisation of the sector following current directions at current rates as a baseline scenario, 2) strong digitalisation of a regulatory government, 3) use of autonomous farming technology and 4) digitalised food business. These explorative scenarios entail various gaps in achieving European agricultural policy goals. Our findings suggest that the baseline scenario needs strategies to ramp up technological and institutional infrastructure for digitalisation. The other scenarios need strategies to prevent risks, e.g., of technological failures or undesired social impacts. They also need strategies to cater for special cases and diversity, e.g., of ecosystems and farming practices. Across the scenarios, it seems useful to increase digital competencies of the stakeholders. SIGNIFICANCEThe study is the first that derives implications for policy strategies from explorative scenarios of future digitalisation of agricultural systems that target gaps in achieving agricultural policy goals. The combination of developing and analysing scenarios generated findings that are of significance to policymaking stakeholders and researchers alike, who all need to address the uncertainties arising with future digitalisation of the agri-food sector.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAgricultural Systems;Vol 196
dc.rights© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International*
dc.subjectAgricultural policyen_US
dc.subjectScenario analysisen_US
dc.subjectPolicy strategyen_US
dc.subjectAgri-food sectoren_US
dc.titleScenarios for European agricultural policymaking in the era of digitalisationen_US
dc.contributor.sponsorSwiss National Science Foundationen_US
dc.contributor.sponsorFederal Office for Agriculture of Switzerland,en_US
dc.source.journaltitleAgricultural Systems

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© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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