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dc.contributor.authorBuckley, Cathal*
dc.identifier.citationCathal Buckley (2009). Improving Public Access to the Irish Countryside for Walking – Investigation of Supply and Demand Side Factors. National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)en_GB
dc.descriptionDoctoral thesis, NUI, Galway, Irelanden_GB
dc.description.abstractIncreased interest and demand for land based recreational amenities has seen the rise of conflict between landowners and recreationalists (particularly walkers) in the Republic of Ireland. A right of access to the countryside for recreation prevalent across other developed nations does not apply. Stakeholders have tabled various proposals to address this situation ranging from a right to roam across the countryside to a compensation payment to landowners for recreational access. Whilst policy makers are aware of the economic opportunities associated with open-air outdoor recreation activities, rational public decision making requires that economic benefits and costs should be clearly identified and valued to justify any policy intervention. To-date no such evaluation has been undertaken. This thesis explores supply and demand side factors that influence public access provision to the Irish countryside for recreational walking. Firstly, contingent valuation was used to measure the willingness to pay of consumers for improved public access and trail improvements on commonage farmland based on two case study sites in the Connemara region. Secondly, a national representative survey was used to explore the attitudes of landowners across the Republic of Ireland to the wider provision of public access for recreational walking on farmland, including the potential opportunity costs to agriculture as well as the level of compensation demanded by landowners. This thesis argues that based on derived welfare estimates there is significant scope for policy interventions to improve public access to the countryside in the Republic of Ireland.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipTeagasc Walsh Fellowship Programmeen_GB
dc.subjectRecreational walkingen_GB
dc.subjectPublic accessen_GB
dc.titleImproving Public Access to the Irish Countryside for Walking – Investigation of Supply and Demand Side Factorsen_GB
dc.contributor.sponsorTeagasc Walsh Fellowship Programme

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