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dc.contributor.authorVelusami, Balasubramanian*
dc.contributor.authorCurran, Thomas P*
dc.contributor.authorGrogan, Helen*
dc.identifier.citationBalasubramanian Velusami, Thomas P. Curran, Helen M. Grogan. Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Emissions during Disturbance and Removal of Stored Spent Mushroom Compost. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 2013, 19(4): 261-275. (doi: 10.13031/jash.19.10351)en_GB
dc.description.abstractSpent mushroom compost (SMC) is a by-product of the mushroom industry that is used as an agricultural fertilizer. In Europe, SMC storage and use are governed by EU Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC to protect waterways against pollution by nitrates. A health and safety risk was identified during the removal of stored SMC for land application, as the stored SMC released high levels of toxic H2S gas into the atmosphere when disturbed. In this study, emissions of H2S were monitored at two outdoor and two indoor locations where stored SMC was being removed for land application. A repeating peaktrough pattern of H2S emissions was detected at all sites, with peaks corresponding to periods of active disturbance of SMC. The highest H2S concentrations (10 s average) detected at the SMC face were, respectively, 680 and 2083 ppm at outdoor sites 1 and 2, and 687 and 89 ppm at indoor sites 3 and 4. Higher concentrations of H2S were released from older SMC compared to newer material. Indoor-stored SMC had lower moisture content (53% to 65%) compared to outdoor-stored material (66% to 72%), while the temperature of indoor-stored SMC was higher (33°C to 51°C) compared to outdoorstored material (24°C to 36°C). The current short-term exposure limit (STEL) of 10 ppm was exceeded at all sites except site 4, which was smaller than the other sites, indicating a significant health and safety risk associated with working in the vicinity of stored SMC when it is being actively disturbed. Results suggest that SMC stored under cover in small heaps (600 m3) emits less H2S during disturbance and removal compared to SMC stored outdoors in large heaps (>1500 m3). This should be taken into consideration in the design, construction, and management of SMC storage facilities. Health and safety protocols should be in place at SMC storage facilities to cover the risks of exposure to toxic H2S gas during disturbance of stored SMC.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipB. Velusami was funded by the Teagasc Walsh Fellowship scheme, UCD School of Biosystems Engineering and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and the Marine under the National Development Plan 2007-2013.en_GB
dc.publisherAmerican Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineersen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Agricultural Safety and Health;vol 19
dc.subjectCompost storageen_GB
dc.subjectGas emissionen_GB
dc.subjectHealth and safetyen_GB
dc.subjectHydrogen sulfideen_GB
dc.subjectSpent mushroom composten_GB
dc.titleHydrogen Sulfide Gas Emissions during Disturbance and Removal of Stored Spent Mushroom Composten_GB
dc.contributor.sponsorTeagasc Walsh Fellowship Programme
dc.contributor.sponsorUCD School of Biosystems Engineering
dc.contributor.sponsorDepartment of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland

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